The EfCI Partners in Matera

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Matera, Italy – 23rd-24th of November 2017

During the transantional meeting of the project, on November 23 and 24 in Matera (Italy), Materahub – the host organization – has organized a visit at C–FARA, a collective space of professionals, creatives and collaborators who wants to share experiences and knowledge building innovation in different fields of study.

What is C–FARA?

C–FARA was born in 2013 in Matera in a charming and welcoming place close by Sassi, the cultural Unesco heritage since 1993 and its aim is to help integration and spread culture in every form through design project dimensions towards the valorization of public spaces.

This concept represents a new cultural enterprise model where people and spaces can connect each other.

C-FARA has currently worked in two different projects:

  • C–FARA residency: based on the use of studio/atelier/laboratory for artists and creatives that want to work and create ideas, researching and collaborating within the organization and other professionals such as architects, designers, art curators, ingeneers.
  • Materamare 1.0: about the accessibility and fruition of the city and the region as well by mapping routes and improving the logistic to make it accessible for disable people.

About the visit

The visit at C–FARA was really interesting for partners as it was the opportunity for them to know more about the city of Matera, get an insight of how the network of creative people work together in this area and what inspired them to open an enterprise.

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Joint Staff Training Event in London

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London, United Kingdom – 11th-14th of September 2017

The EfCI project incorporates a series of Joint Staff Training Events that provide opportunities for Creative Industries course tutors to travel to the partner organisations to participate in observations and joint teaching activities with their peers. The first of these events was hosted by Capacity London with tutors from 3Si, Studio Inneo and MateraHub taking part in teaching activities for the Level 3 Certificate in Entrepreneurship for European Creative Industries.

The event was timed to run alongside the induction and first days of training for newly enrolled Capacity London students who will be working towards the Level 3 Certificate in Entrepreneurship for European Creative Industries. Tutors from 3Si, Studio Inneo and MateraHub worked alongside the new students to observe and take part part in classroom sessions and interactive workshops designed to enable the students to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand different styles of professional profiles and use this knowledge to write their own
  • Understand the importance of a coherent personal brand identity
  • Understand how to communicate effectively with clients
  • Understand the importance of professional client meetings and client briefs
  • Understand how to deal professionally with challenging situations with clients


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