February 2018

Recruitment for the Polish pilot course

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The pilot course in Poland

Unlike the pilot courses in other project partners’ countries, the Polish pilot course is not connected to any other initiatives. Therefore, since most of the participants are working or studying, the training will be organized to take place weakly, from March/April to June 2018. There will be 10-12 Wednesday afternoon meetings, and the last of them will be organized together with the Joint Staff Training Event.

Latest achievements

For now the recruitment process has been quite advanced. There are 10 participants chosen out of many applications. The details and preferences among the participants are currently being settled, but the venue for the training is already booked. The most probable date for starting the course is the 4th of April.

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Will “Level 3 Award in Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries” be a part of Polish Qualifications Framework?

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One of the project outputs was investigating the potential for accrediting and recognising the new qualification in the partner’s countries. The members of Polish organization, INNEO, took part in a seminar called “validation and quality assurance in the Integrated Qualifications Register”.

Polish Qualification Register

It is worth noticing that Poland is in the middle of modernization of education system. The register has been created recently and is still in the process of changes and gaining recognition. The new system is based on the previous qualifications operating in different areas. The integrated system consists of elements that already function in Polish society and its economy, as well as new instruments (market qualifications).

The most significant elements of the system are the Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) and the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR), which is a compendium of all qualifications included in the integrated system. These qualifications are also assigned a level in the Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF level).

The seminar

During the 2-days seminar that took place in Cracow, 29-30 January 2018, the staff members of INNEO were informed about the possibilities and procedures of introducing our qualification into the National Register. The procedures are complicated, but worth an effort. Our Polish partners are now familiar with the all the administrative requirements and are willing to investigate the possibilities to a full extend.


ciprojectWill “Level 3 Award in Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries” be a part of Polish Qualifications Framework?
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